Beauty Benefits of Peppers

Beauty Benefits of PeppersPeppers come in all sizes, shapes and colors and we love them all. This time of year many of them are ripe and you can find a wide variety at farmers markets. Peppers even come in different flavors from sweet to hot. But you’ve been...

Beneficial Ingredients for Skin Care

What to look for in skin care.I get tired of all the negative press skin care products get and hearing about what should not be in there. Lets look at the beneficial ingredients of skin care and what you should be looking for on your label. Here are a...

Dandelion and Dock

Dandelion and Dock RootsGetting areas ready to plant means taking out some things. both Dandelion and Dock are prolific on my farm and I try to control them by digging the roots and using them. Yellow dock (Rumex crispus) Yellow Dock is a weed found in many...

10 Skin Care Tips

Skin Care doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 10 tips to better skin.1. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated 2. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants – that means fruits and vegetables! 3. Apply lotion/cream or oil to the skin after...

Comfrey Uses

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is one of those herbs that if you have it, you’ll have alot of it; it is very easy to grow and reproduces rapidly.  It is one herb that is still going strong now after the frost. Studies have found that comfrey contains an alkaloid...