Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is one of those herbs that if you have it, you’ll have alot of it; it is very easy to grow and reproduces rapidly.  It is one herb that is still going strong now after the frost. Studies have found that comfrey contains an alkaloid which is toxic to the liver. Most plants however contain both toxins and beneficial chemicals that balance each other out. I’d advice not taking comfrey orally on a daily basis, but occasionally when the need arises I’ve drank comfrey tea.
What can you do with comfrey?
Skin Care:
Make an oil infusion of the leaves or root. Comfrey stimulates cell growth and can help renew skin cells. Comfrey contains allantoin, a chemical that helps skin grow.  You might find this ingredient on the label of a high quality face cream. An infused oil of comfrey is nice in a bath/body oil too.
For Pain:
Comfrey works well for pain relief and an infused oil can be incorporated into a balm used for that purpose. We use it in our Joint Jam. Compresses of comfrey are also good for back pain.
Because it stimulates cell growth it is excellent for treating wounds on the skin as well as sprains and broken bones. Use comfrey on wounds as a poultice or an infusion. Comfrey also decreases inflammation. Use comfrey teas or infusions in the bath. Teas of comfrey are also drank to increase bone growth after a break.
In the Garden
The large leaves of comfrey are great for use as mulch, but comfrey’s most important role is in the compost heap. Its high mineral and nitrogen content will benefit compost. You can also make a tea from comfrey for the garden. If you have comfrey growing at this time of year, be sure to harvest and put it in the compost.
Comfrey is rich in both minerals and protein and makes a good livestock feed. Because of its abundance I’ve given it to my chickens, goats and horses. It’s recommended to at least let it wilt slightly before feeding it to animals so the prickly hairs do not bother them. If you have grazing animals it is great to cut your comfrey for them at this time of year when grass is not abundant for grazing.

This blog is part of a Blog Hop by Possum Creek Herb Farm in Tennessee. Stop by their blog to find other herb posts: