Beer Brewing Herbs

Beer Brewing Herbs

If you like beer you may be interested in growing some of your own ingredients. Hops are the most common herb used in beer and are used for  bittering. They are relatively easy to grow and make a nice vine to grow up your deck or elsewhere.hopsI’ve been...

Spring May Be Here

I probably do a similar post every year but I just can’t help myself, I get so excited seeing all the new growth in spring. Here are some pictures around the farm.HorseradishYellow DockHorehound.Fennel and Parsley, we had both in our salad last night.A little...

Hops; more than just beer

Hops I love hoppy beers like India Pale Ales and Double IPAs.  Hops is a very aromatic herb that adds bittering and a deeper flavor profile, especially to these types of beer.  Depending on the variety though, hops can add much more – sometimes a floral...

Herbal DeStress

Stress can save your life! Stress gives you more energy, increases your heart rate, and increases blood flow to the muscles. It can get you out of an emergency situation as fast as possible – such as out of the path of an oncoming car. However, low levels of...