Spring May Be Here

I probably do a similar post every year but I just can’t help myself, I get so excited seeing all the new growth in spring. Here are some pictures around the farm.HorseradishYellow DockHorehound.Fennel and Parsley, we had both in our salad last night.A little...

Great Plains Lavender Growers Group

I don’t get to go on many road trips so I was excited to take a trip this weekend with my husband to Kansas to visit with other Lavender growers. I’m a founding member of the United States Lavender Growers Association (USLGA) and we’ve talked about forming ‘regional...

Touring Celestial Seasonings

Touring Celestial Seasonings is a great thing to do if in the Boulder, Colorado area. This herbal tea company has been around since the 1970’s and I have been drinking their teas almost since their inception. I’ve taken out of town visitors their several...

The Importance of Farms

Farms are important for many reasons including preserving open space around a city, providing wildlife habitats, as well as the crops they produce. Most people are well aware that their food comes from a farm in the form of vegetables and meat. But are you aware of...

Rest and Relaxation

Although I am very reluctant to take vacation I do see its importance in just clearing the mind for new thoughts.  Last week I went to the beach in Mexico for some rest and relaxation and here are some random thoughts.When on vacation, get in the water no matter...