by Cindyj | Oct 7, 2014 | Uncategorized
This Saturday night we had an interesting event at the Colorado Aromatics Store. Entertainer Sharon Glassman and I partnered to pair our aromatic waters with songs from her Blame it on Hoboken book. This is an overview of those pairings.Scentertainment with Sharon...
by Cindyj | Jul 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
Best Herbs for Health and Fighting Cancer Parsley 1. Rosemary – Contains many antioxidants such as carnosol. Antioxidants help prevent DNA damage leading to cancer. Carnosol and cineole may also help to detoxify certain carcinogens that can initiate the...
by Cindyj | Jun 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
Sunny beachThe dog days of summer are upon us. That hot sun not only dries out our skin causing premature wrinkles, but is can also increase the risk for skin cancer. Herbs can help skin in a number of ways, including cleansing, cooling, and protecting. Make an...
by Cindyj | Dec 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
Do you saponify? Some of my best friends do. And although it can be quite dangerous without proper precautions and can be addicting, it is still good clean fun. I am proud to be a professional soapmaker and keep company with other soapmakers; they are among the nicest...
by Cindyj | Aug 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
At the coaxing of a fellow farmer I went ahead and entered my herbs in the county fair this year for the first time. I am sure glad I did as I came away with 15 ribbons (including reserve champion for chocolate mint) and my husband and son also took away a few. Now I...