ChokeCherry Find

My husband came home from work with a bagful of chokecherries he picked so we had to figure out something to do with them. The most obvious use of chokecherry is as a syrup to be used in the winter for coughs (as well as being delicious on ice cream, pancakes, drinks...

Elderberry Syrup for Colds/Flu

Since I am spending today sick with a cold I thought I’d share with you my recipe for Elderberry syrup; a must for cold and flu relief.1 cup elderberries (I made this at summer’s end so used fresh elderberries, but you could use dried elderberries if you...

St. Pat’s Day and mint syrup

We woke up to a few inches of snow on St. Patrick’s Day today. It should be just what those dormant plants need to get started though. We’ve just desodded a small area for our vegetable garden so as soon as this snow melts I will be planting my peas and lettuce.A few...