Using Herbs in Skin Care – an Interview

I was recently interviewed by Beth Byrne about using botanicals in soaps for an article in The Saponifier. This is a summary of that interview. 1. Name, location, business name, any other background info. My name is Cindy Jones. My business name is Sagescript...

OWOH Winner and Happy Valentines Day

How fun the One World One Heart Giveaway has been. I never thought that I would have over 200 comments on my blog, especially after joining in late. I have also visited some very impressive blogs and seen some very impressive art over this journey. I wish I had the...

Balsamic Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

I hate buying salad dressing when it is just so easy to make. Here is the dressing I made last night for dinner. It was very good and can be altered depending upon what herbs you have on hand.¾ cup balsamic vinegar3tablespoons Dijon mustard2 tablespoons honey3 cloves...