What is Digitalis?

Digitalis is a common drug used today to treat congestive heart disease; a condition in which the heart does not pump out the entire volume it should be pumping. These drugs were first isolated from the foxglove flower, Digitalis purpura. Dr. William Withering is...

Summer’s End Sorrel Soup

Although my basil and tomatoes were hit by the frost this week, I noticed a large bundle of sorrel still growing nicely. I’ve always wanted to make sorrel soup so I thought I’d cut them and have the last of the summer’s dishes. Here is the recipe I used:Sorrel...

What is a Carcinogen?

I know cancer has probably touched everyone’s life (as it has mine) and prevention is certainly easier than a cure. I spent many years of my life studying cancer and the process of carcinogenesis and even have a few papers to show for it. The intense interest that the...

What am I harvesting? Feverfew

Once established Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium or Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh. and Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) is somewhat invasive so you need to keep an eye on it, but I like those types of herbs that don’t need to be babied. The flowers are delicate,...