Warmest February on Record

I thought the snow would never melt but after 2 weeks of warm weather its finally gone – soon to come back though I’m sure. But with the warm weather we spent some time this beautiful February weekend catching up on much need work here on the farm. After...

Alternatives to Microbeads

Over the past few years tiny beads made from plastic, called microbeads, have found their way as an ingredient in some cosmetic products intended for exfoliating the skin. Exfoliating removes the outer, dead layer of skin.  Why these plastics ever became a staple...

Book Review – Woman Powered Farm

Woman Powered FarmAudrey LevatinoThe Countryman Press 2015When a colleague sent me a link to this book and said she thought of me when she saw it, I had to learn more. I was intrigued knowing that there is a new trend now with women in farming and changing the face of...

A Month of Squash

Our butternut squash harvest this summer was more than expected. Even after giving many away we still ended up with over 50. That comes to eating about one squash per week, so needless to say I am looking for butternut squash recipes – got any?So far, this is...

Rember to Eat Lignans for Memory

Remembering to eat foods high in lignans, like broccoli, flax and berries is important for keeping your memory sharp. Several small studies have suggested that phytoestrogens from plants can play a role in maintaining mental abilities, and now two larger studies...