2014 Soap Conference Tucson

I just got home for the 2014 conference for the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetics Guild Conference held in Tucson. As a previous resident of Tucson I needed little excuse to get back. If you’ve never been to a Soap Conference before, just imagine being able to share your...

Spring Salad Herbs

Spring SaladThe site of spring herbs popping from the ground in spring was a welcome site to people in the pre supermarket era who had little nutritive foods for months over the late winter. These spring herbs or bitters are packed with nutrition and can be enjoyed in...

Foods to Block UV Skin Damage

Ultraviolet radiationAlthough sunscreen is important to prevent sunburn of the skin, there are also dietary measures you can take to help protect the skin against ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage to skin. UV radiation damage to the skin includes damage to both DNA...

Polyphenols Regulate Glutatione

Polyphenols Regulate Glutatione Should you choose red wine or green tea? How about both: Compounds from both beverages have been found to inhibit growth of colon cancer. Scientists from Italy’s University of Florence concluded this after an experiment that involved...

Monoterpenes: Essence of a Cancer Cure

By Cindy L.A. Jones, Ph.D. Essential oils, the highly concentrated volatile, aromatic essences of plants, are a mainstay of aromatherapy but are also used in flavoring, perfumes and even as solvents. Researchers now think that two components of orange oil and lavender...