Even though I don’t care much for football or the Superbowl I sure enjoy having any kind of party and preparing food for it. Here are some things we’ll be having for Superbowl.

Good For You Superbowl Snacks

Butternut Squash Fries

I’ve grown very fond of roasted butternut squash fries. Cut a butternut squash into strips like French fries. Place on a cookie sheet greased with olive oil and then sprinkle the strips with a small amount of olive oil. Cook at 400 F for about 40-50 minutes until cooked. Eat with catsup and salt just like you would french fries! We actually got some nice butternut squash from our garden during the summer so I’ll be sure to save seed and plant lots more this summer.
Roasted Baby Peppers
It is easy now to find bags of miniature sweet peppers that are red, orange and yellow. These are great roasted as described above. Roasting makes them taste very sweet too, delicious.
Greek Yogurt Dip
Add dried mixed herbs to a cup or so of Greek Yogurt. Read the label and make sure you are getting just nonfat milk and cultures as opposed to additives like gelatin, pectin, or other polysaccharides, which just add calories and carbohydrates. For herbs, try parsley, dill and marjoram. If you don’t have these, try whatever herbs you have on hand. Use this as a dip for raw vegetables.

Enjoy the Super Bowl, I hope your team wins.