Book Review – Woman Powered Farm

Woman Powered FarmAudrey LevatinoThe Countryman Press 2015When a colleague sent me a link to this book and said she thought of me when she saw it, I had to learn more. I was intrigued knowing that there is a new trend now with women in farming and changing the face of...

The Importance of Farms

Farms are important for many reasons including preserving open space around a city, providing wildlife habitats, as well as the crops they produce. Most people are well aware that their food comes from a farm in the form of vegetables and meat. But are you aware of...

Transitioning into Winter

We had our last market yesterday; the Boulder County Farmers Market Holiday Market. I readily let out a big sigh of relief when markets end. Its hard work packing things up every Friday and then getting up early every Saturday to set up at Farmers Market. However....

We are Certified!

I’m happy to announce that our farm has just become Certified Naturally Grown (CNG). I am excited about this program and you can read more about here  Its standards are similar to the USDA’s Certified Organic program in...