Sixth Picture Meme

Games are fun especially when the lead to an easy blog post. Maggie at Prairieland herbs blog tagged me for this “6th picture meme”. By the way, here is the definition of meme given by “a cultural unit (an idea or value or...

What are we doing today?

I have been spending alot of time recently fixing up my workspace and hadn’t gotten around to distilling the fennel I had put aside. So, today is fennel distillation. The shop smells wonderfully of anise/fennel. I use fennel distillate/hydrosol in my anti-aging...

Whats in the Still?

I haven’t distilled as much as I’ve wanted to this summer. My newly planted herbs just haven’t grown big enough to have the amounts needed for distilling. This is disappointing because I have bought a new still. I have been able to combine some of my...