Blogging Challenge

I may be getting in over my head but I just signed up for blogging coaching and strategy through my professional network “Indie Business Network”. I have been blogging here since 2007 and two years ago I started a second blog dedicated to my brand of skincare...

What Does Skin Do?

We see our skin everyday and we always read about it being the largest organ of the body, but what exactly does it do? It must do something if it is an organ. What is the role of skin? Here are seven important physiological roles for skin.1. Regulation of Body...

Transitioning into Winter

We had our last market yesterday; the Boulder County Farmers Market Holiday Market. I readily let out a big sigh of relief when markets end. Its hard work packing things up every Friday and then getting up early every Saturday to set up at Farmers Market. However....

Beneficial Ingredients for Skin Care

What to look for in skin care.I get tired of all the negative press skin care products get and hearing about what should not be in there. Lets look at the beneficial ingredients of skin care and what you should be looking for on your label. Here are a...

Apples, Apples

We are having a great apple harvest this year so they seem a perfect topic for a blog. Facts: an apple has about 60-95 calories depending on size, no fat, and 25 gram of carbohydrate (4.4 g of which are fiber!). Applies also contain potassium vitamin C, vitamin B-6,...